
Angular Signals: A Detailed Guide on Component Communication

Angular has long been associated with developing innovative and performance-driven web applications. It is the ideal framework for developing the most elegant web apps with utmost precision and distinction. The tech world encompasses bits and pieces often beyond our understanding; the indigestible and difficult-to-understand codes and tech jargon. But their amalgamation forms fascinating and useful applications that we all use every day. Today, we will decode and demystify the concept of Angular signals in web app development and how they develop top-notch web applications. Let’s get going.

The Crucial Role of Components

A web application is an intricate software that comes into being after a long process that involves consideration of different components, codes, frameworks, and programming languages. Each part of your web app plays an important and distinct role in driving and running the app at an optimum level. These components are integral to the user interface that forms the basis of customer interaction with your app. This is where the role of Angular signals comes into being.

What is Angular Component Communication?

Angular is an intriguing framework from top front-end development frameworks where communication occurs through components. The components communicate by sending and receiving signals. This two-way communication establishes a connection between the components and they share information through this arrangement and work seamlessly. The signal is usually a message about some of the effects,

“Hey, something’s happening, and you might want to know about it!”

Sending a Signal: Like Playing a Drumbeat

Let’s put this into a simple analogy. Imagine you have a drummer in your orchestra—a DrummerComponent in Angular terms. This drummer sets the rhythm for the entire band. Now, when the drummer wants to change the rhythm, it emits a signal, much like playing a drumbeat.

// DrummerComponent setting the rhythm

this.drummerService.emitSignal(‘Time to change the beat!’);


Here, this.drummerService.emitSignal is like the drummer playing a new beat, and ‘Time to change the beat!’ is the accompanying message.

Receiving a Signal: Listening and Responding

Each component is capable of listening and responding to the signal according to the message. They do so by subscribing to the signal. To illustrate this through the above analogy, think of other musicians, like a guitarist or a pianist. They are the GuitarComponent or PianistComponent in your Angular application. These musicians are attentive and can listen for signals. When they hear the drummer’s signal, they adjust their playing style or take some action, much like musicians harmonizing with a change in rhythm.

// GuitarComponent listening and responding

this.drummerService.signal$.subscribe(message => {

  console.log(`GuitarComponent: ${message}`);

  // Adjust the playing style or take action


Here, this.drummerService.signal$ is like the guitarist listening for the drummer’s signal, and the message is the information attached to that signal.

Introduction of Dynamic Components

Inject function in angular 16 allows the dynamic addition of components at runtime. This flexibility encourages and enables the introduction of new components without the need for predefined templates.

Continuing with the above analogy, it’s a way to introduce new instruments dynamically, creating a richer and more versatile performance.

// DynamicSaxophonistComponent dynamically joining the stage


In this scenario, this.dynamicComponentService.showDynamicComponent is like introducing a dynamic saxophonist to the orchestra.

Precision Spotlights: Focus is the key

Angular’s @ViewChild is a tool for referencing and interacting with child components.

This means that sometimes, you might want to shine a spotlight on a particular component without stealing the focus of the entire system. Angular’s @ViewChild is like a spotlight, allowing you to focus on a specific component for solo moments.

// SoloPianistComponent taking the spotlight

@ViewChild(‘soloPianist’) soloPianist: SoloPianistComponent;


ngOnInit() {



Here, @ViewChild(‘soloPianist’) is like directing a spotlight on the solo pianist, and this.soloPianist.playSolo() is the solo performance.

Conclusively speaking, angular signals in the Angular front-end framework are basically the messages or signals that components send to each other for communication. It establishes a relationship where components respond to the signals dynamically and assume charge and spotlight when needed and absolutely necessary.

Decoding Angular Signal Mechanics: A Developer’s Perspective

Now let’s shift our focus to a more technical and developer’s aspect of Angular signals. We will try to see how the underlying mechanisms make seamless component communication possible.

At the core of Angular signals is the EventEmitter, a class that provides a convenient way to emit custom events in Angular components. These events can carry data, acting as the payload of the signal. The EventEmitter is the drummer of our orchestra, setting the beat for communication.

Emission of Signals with EventEmitter

// DrummerComponent setting the rhythm with EventEmitter

this.drummerService.emitSignal(‘Time to change the beat!’);

Here, emitSignal is a custom method in the drummerService that utilizes EventEmitter to emit a signal, and ‘Time to change the beat!’ is the data payload accompanying that signal.

Listening to Signals with Subscribe

On the receiving end, components can listen to these signals using the subscribe method. This establishes a subscription to the signal, allowing the component to react when the signal is emitted.

// GuitarComponent subscribing and responding

this.drummerService.signal$.subscribe(message => {

  console.log(`GuitarComponent: ${message}`);

  // Adjust the playing style or take action


In this snippet, ‘signal$’ is an instance of EventEmitter, and subscribe is used to react to the emitted signal with the associated message.

Dynamic Components: The Versatility of Angular Architecture

Dynamic components in Angular 16 provide a mechanism to create and insert components dynamically at runtime. This adds a layer of dynamism to the application, allowing for the introduction of new components without the need for predefined templates.

// DynamicSaxophonistComponent dynamically joining the stage


The showDynamicComponent method dynamically inserts the DynamicSaxophonistComponent into the application, enriching the orchestra with a new instrument.

Spotlight on Solo Acts: Utilising @ViewChild

Angular’s @ViewChild decorator allows a component to query and interact with a child component. It’s a powerful tool for scenarios where a specific component needs focused attention or interaction.

// SoloPianistComponent taking the spotlight

@ViewChild(‘soloPianist’) soloPianist: SoloPianistComponent;


ngOnInit() {



In this example, @ViewChild(‘soloPianist’) is used to reference the SoloPianistComponent, and the playSolo method is invoked, initiating a solo performance.

NgRx Store: Managing the Symphony of State

In more complex web applications, the NgRx Store plays a central role in managing the state and facilitating communication between components. It acts as a centralized store, ensuring that components can access and modify the application state in a predictable and scalable manner.

// NgRx Store orchestrating the grand symphony

store.dispatch({ type: ‘CONDUCT_GRAND_SYMPHONY’ });

Here, store. dispatch sends an action to the NgRx Store, initiating a state change that can be observed and reacted to by various components.


Angular signals are the main soldiers or channels of communication with a web app designed using the angular framework. From the emission of signals with EventEmitter to the dynamism of dynamic components, these mechanisms empower developers to create dynamic, scalable, functional, and maintainable applications. In short Angular signals are a refined approach and a powerful way to communicate within your web application.

If you want to build an interactive, robust enterprise web application, contact us at [email protected].   


Q: How to communicate between components in Angular?

A: Components in Angular communicate using services, which act as intermediaries. They can emit signals to notify changes, and other components subscribe to these signals to react accordingly.

Q: What are Angular Signals?

A: Angular Signals refer to the custom events facilitated by the EventEmitter class. These events allow components to send and receive messages, enabling seamless communication within an Angular application.

Q: What are the advantages of Angular Signals?

A: Angular Signals simplify component communication by providing a clear and structured way for components to exchange information. They enhance code organization, readability, and maintainability.

Q: Will Angular Signals replace RxJs?

A: No, Angular Signals and RxJs serve different purposes. While Angular Signals are a mechanism for component communication, RxJs provides a broader set of reactive programming tools. They can be used together for more complex scenarios.

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