
Best Practices of Online Document Collaboration

2020 brought a different online document perspective on working and enabling efficiency during the pandemic. Working from home became the new normal. Employees and organizations had growing concerns regarding efficient working, seamless workflow, and productivity. Digital media, cloud-based applications, and SharePoint online tools took over those concerns and streamlined the workflow. Many organizations are struggling to keep up with the work from the home riddle. The pressing issue for most teams and businesses is collaboration. How are groups and people supposed to collaborate while they work from home? Remote working could bring collaboration if we learn to embrace the concepts of digitalization. In this article, we aim at highlighting the best online document collaboration practices to get your work going,

Eyes on the Objective

The importance of being in the same space physically could not be denied. Although the perspectives and parameters of success do change. However, the quality of work, focus on the goals and objectives, and eyes on the deliverables remain the same. These are crucial to assess the performance of any team. To ensure business momentum and continuity, one has to be productive even while working remotely. Uncertain times such as these exposed the fragility of work-life balance. For teams to be on the same page, to be fully coordinated regarding work ethic and collaboration, eyes on the goals is the first step to getting things kicking.

Pick the Right Tool

For collaboration amongst team members working remotely, it is essential to use the right tool. For that, you or your team leader must decide on the appropriate tool to be used. The IT department or the team leader usually has the document collaboration tool that meets the general criteria of getting things sorted. Some of the online collaboration tools include Wikis and Google Docs. Wiki comes in handy when you have a big team, and the content you produce has to be edited off and on. Wiki is also a useful practice tool, to begin with when a large amount of content and documentation is required. Depending on your team’s size and scope, the wiki could be your tool to start with. Another tool that is amazing for online document collaboration is Google Docs. It is best suited for an organization with limited content, a few online documents, and a small team. Teams could easily collaborate over google docs through data scribbled on spreadsheets, presentations, and any specific format. Most businesses use google docs for its user-friendly interface and features.

Format Later

Formatting a document is essential but getting the work done first is even more necessary. Formatting is an art that could be done later after you have reached the content right. It is a part of the collaboration process to make things aesthetically pleasing but getting the content and collaboration going holds precedence. This allows flexibility to content creators and teams. They’ll be at their free will to create the best content, which could then be polished through headings, subheadings, margins, and rich color and font type.


No matter if you work online, offline, or remotely consistency is the key. Be very consistent with your documents, content, and the quality of technology solutions. Make your records easily accessible to your other team members. Your content should reflect consistency, no matter how many times it has been edited or modified.

Besides these practices and critical concerns for teams working remotely, there are several digital practices to get your job done. Irrespective of those digital parameters, your work should showcase consistency, credibility, and coordination. The team leader should ensure optimal collaboration practices for things to work smoothly. One thing is sure; if you adopt the above rules before online documentation, you are guaranteed to produce good content and collaboration.

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