
Microsoft SharePoint: 7 Best Tips For End Users

Since Microsoft SharePoint launch in 2001, it has evolved into a platform that has a lot more to offer than just storage and document management. From using SharePoint as CMS to a website creation tool, it has proved to be a highly customizable platform.

But since its features have expanded a lot over time, they can overwhelm the users and prevent them from making the most of the features.

The blog will list the 7 best practices for Microsoft SharePoint end-users that will help you both save time and improve workflow.

File Management:

Document management and naming are very important practices to avoid functional hiccups. If the file is not named properly and stored in the right folder, it can become very hard to locate it when necessary.

The URLs can also get easily messed up if document libraries are not smartly named.

So, while using MS SharePoint, you should take document naming seriously. Always use short but clear names for documents to avoid confusion later. It would also be a good idea to avoid spaces and special characters in the names for more clarity.

Information Filtration:

Since you might be working with hundreds and thousands of documents at a time, staying up-to-date on the changes in each document can be a challenge. You might want to know who created a particular file or who edited it the last time.

To stay on top of this information, you can create a custom view within SharePoint. You will need to go to the document library, edit current view, sort information according to your preferred value to benefit from the custom view.


Document approval is an important step for every organization. Timely approval can help users avoid unwanted bottlenecks and improve productivity. It also improves workflow transparency as every user can track whether the requests have been approved or not.

One of the most innovative SharePoint advantages is that users can easily set up an approval process.

Users can then customize this workflow according to their needs and speed up routine processes.

Version History Management:

A document might require collaboration from several teams before publication or official use. And as each team makes a change to the document, the change will be automatically saved. However, if a user wants to revert this change or access an earlier version, then what can he/she do?

This is where microsoft SharePoint version control jumps in. You can simply select a document, click on version history, and restore any version that you might need.

Alert Generation:

One of the many SharePoint advantages that can result in a seamless workflow for users is alert generation. Whenever a user makes a change in the document, enabling alerts can help you get notified and you can communication with that user about the recent change.

To enable this feature, simply go to the document library. Click on ‘more’ and select the ‘Alert me’ option.

Document Lock:

Another challenge that users face while using SharePoint is unwanted edits after a version has been finalized. Different teams might need the documents and it is very important to lock the document before granting them access.

To make a document just viewable to other users, enable the feature ‘In Place Record Management.’ This will prevent other users from making accidental edits to the documents in the future.

Folder/ File Sync:

Finally, it is crucial to sync your OneDrive with the data on your computer for hassle-free and timely access. You also won’t need to use your browser to access documents.

To easily sync your data, open the desired folder. Click on ‘Sync’ and all the required documents will be downloaded on your computer. You can access them anytime even without an internet connection.

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