
ECO Dashboard Use Case

In this blog,  I’ll share an experience where I was involved in a PLM Improvement initiative for a large discrete manufacturing company. The existing Oracle Agile PLM implementation had mixed results with regards to adoption, process improvement and data accessibility. While the implementation was successful from a technical perspective, there have been some business process, data integrity and usability issues that have prevented them from getting optimal results.

As part of the improvement workshops, Xavor interviewed the key business users to identify the issues related to process, training and technology. For example, the common themes identified in the Change Management process were:

  1. Too many clicks to navigate through changes and their affected items and attachments
  2. Cumbersome navigation to review all the approved users and their signoff history
  3. Difficult to identify the critical changes

So we came up with an idea of the ECO Dashboard Solution which gives business users a one stop shop to:

  1. Find all changes required for their approval
  2. Review Affected Item Changes (BOM) as well as Attachments
  3. Review all the other approvers who have approved and in addition it also showed the comments and the signoff duration

In addition, Xavor developed the ECO Dashboard Solution as a process extension to Agile PLM implementation. The solution has proven to be a huge success and it has provided the following benefits:

  1. 60% reduction in approval cycle time
  2. 100% adoption to the Change Order Process

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