
Web Content Accessibility

Empowering Inclusivity by Creating an Accessible Web for All

Accessible | Understandable | Robust

Web Content Accessibility

A website isn’t merely a front; it is a gateway to your brand and requires more than just compelling and catchy content. A sleek design would only pan out if the website is accessible and welcoming to everyone. At Xavor, our priority is inclusivity and accessibility for all in the digital space and we are committed to making the web a welcoming space for all.

Xavor’s holistic web content accessibility solutions integrate advanced technology with expert human insights to guarantee your website meets the highest standards of inclusivity. Allow us to meticulously audit your site, identity, and address potential issues in accordance with WCAG 2.2 guidelines. We aspire to create perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust digital space and content for all users.

Whether it’s prioritizing website compliance, generating accessibility reports, or evaluating performance, we diligently identify vulnerabilities and recommend corresponding improvements. Performance evaluation verifies that your website operates seamlessly across various devices and browsers, all while offering a consistent user experience universally. By choosing Xavor, you not only comply with legal requirements such as ADA but also demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility that widens your reach and engages a more diverse audience.
wen content accessibility overview image

Our Services

Honed over the years, experts at Xavor excel in innovating and rejuvenating ideas into robust digital solutions that offer impeccable user experience. Being a leading technology and software solutions purveyor, we commit to providing a web solution or website that is accessible, inclusive, responsive, and welcoming to a diverse audience. Xavor ensures your websites run optimally and perform exceptionally on the digital grid by making your online presence compliant with legal requirements.  

Assistive Technology Web Testing
Assistive Technology Web Testing

Allow us to conduct thorough testing and audit of your web content to identify and address vulnerabilities and shortcomings. Our command over assistive technologies will guarantee that your website is accessible and user-friendly for everyone.

Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation

With our performance evaluation services, our professionals will assess and evaluate your website's overall performance. Xavor pays extra heed to factors such as speed, usability, and efficiency, all of which refine user experience and augment engagement.

Accessibility and Performance Reports

Our advanced tools help us generate elaborate reports demonstrating your website’s performance and pinpointing areas for improved accessibility. Exercising the suggested recommendations can enhance compliance and user experience.

ADA Compliance
ADA Compliance

Through our devout efforts, we guarantee to make your website compliant with the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our services help you navigate legal requirements and implement necessary changes to accommodate a diverse audience efficiently.

Responsive Template Development
Responsive Template Development

In our pursuit of making your website look great and perform seamlessly across all domains and devices, we develop responsive templates with designs optimized for accessibility.

Web Content Accessibility Guideline Principles

Experts at Xavor pledge to adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and principles to create a user-friendly, interactive, and inclusive experience for people of all demographics without any discrimination. Through these principles, we make your content and website accessible to everyone in an online habitat. We POUR our hearts and souls into providing the best online experience to our clients with these principles:

Xavor aims to make your web content that includes images and videos, accessible to a diverse audience. Whether it involves offering text alternatives for non-text content or captions for videos, we strive to present information in a manner that is perceivable for all.


Our expertise lies in designing navigable websites with clear titles, captions, and consistent messaging. Xavor operates under the principle of developing intuitive and accessible navigation using a keyboard and mouse. The agenda is to relieve users of unnecessary confusion and clutter. An easily operable website has a higher probability of generating leads.


To make your content understandable, we simplify navigation menus, forms, and content to ensure clarity. Xavor always prefers and prioritizes using plain language, providing instructions, and designing predictable web pages that reduce cognitive load.


We measure the robustness of your website on its ability to work seamlessly across various devices, browsers, and assistive technologies. Allow us to help you construct robust websites that remain accessible as technology evolves to maintain long-term usability.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Laws Around the World

Our adherence to accessibility laws worldwide makes us a leader in creating inclusive and compliant digital content and experience. Xavor maintains compliance with:
ADA (United States)
ADA (United States)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates accessibility in all public spaces and prohibits discrimination against any individual with disabilities, especially digital spaces.

AODA (Canada)

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requires that websites operating in Ontario meet WCAG 2.0 standards.

BGG (Germany)
BGG (Germany)

According to the Disability Equality Act (BGG), WCAG 2.0-based accessibility standards must be operated in Germany to ensure digital inclusivity for individuals with disabilities.

EAA (European Union)

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) establishes WCAG 2.0-based rules for products and services to polish their functionality and enhance accessibility across the EU.

DDA (Australia)
DDA (Australia)

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) protects individuals with disabilities and mandates websites to follow WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

Development Process

Xavor follows a comprehensive process to develop an impeccable website that truly stands out and offers a seamless experience to all and everywhere.

Initial Analysis

Our experts take the liberty to conduct a thorough analysis of your website design to examine and assess its existing accessibility and performance. The take outs of this phase include the areas for improvement and a subsequent tailored plan to enhance your website's overall quality and performance.

Website Testing with Assistive Technologies

At Xavor, we employ assistive technologies to thoroughly test your website and its accessibility for people with varied needs and abilities. This testing phase allows us to identify any barriers to accessibility and implement necessary changes to make it inclusive for all users.

Performance Testing and Vulnerability Identification

We take pride in optimizing your content, performance, and functionality after rigorous performance testing that scrutinizes your website's speed, and responsiveness. The vulnerability identification allows us to study the factors that could harm user experience or pose security risks.

Analysis Report Generation

Upon completion of testing, Xavor will generate a report detailing the findings and recommendations for improvement. This report serves as a roadmap for enhancing your website's accessibility and quality.

Development Phase

Next, Xavor implements the necessary change by employing the best practices to enhance and create an inclusive web experience. We take into account responsive design, semantic HTML structure, and proper placement of ARIA labels for assistive technologies.

Support and Maintenance

Our job doesn’t just conclude with the development phase. Xavor manifests and provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the continuity of effectiveness, quality, and performance of your website. Join hands today to improve your future tomorrow with up-to-date and evolving standards and technologies.

Our Technology Stack


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